An English language and literacy acquisition validation randomized controlled trial: Study protocolThis protocol outlines an RCT of an English Language Literacy program. • 75 randomly-assigned schools were included. • Impacts of the program on ELLs’ oral language, reading, and literacy skills are explored. • Impact of virtual professional development (PD) explored. • The findings may have implications for whole-school reform and ELLs.
This paper presents a research protocol for a randomized controlled trial (RCT) design to determine the degree of impact that the ELLA-V intervention has across 75 randomly-assigned urban, suburban, and rural schools with a total of 14,400 students and 600 teachers at each of four grades, K-3, on ELLs’ English oral language, reading, and literacy skills. Secondly, ELLA-V will examine the impact of high quality professional development (PD) provided for treatment teachers through virtual PD using Blackboard, Tegrity, Citrix GotoMeeting, and ThereNow classroom cameras versus typical PD provided by the districts to the control group teachers.