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Political Science: What's New

Political science is the study of politics and power from domestic, international, and comparative perspectives.

Importance of political science

New Book

The Democratic Party is now a party of leftist extremism—radical to the point of insanity: socialist, anti-Christian, in favor of de facto infanticide, and opposed to the rule of law (when it does not suit their purposes, including on the border). Bestselling author David Limbaugh warns that the 2020 elections could be the deciding moment when America turns permanently socialist. Limbaugh offers a stirring call for all Americans who still love their country to rally behind the principle of freedom under law that this country was founded upon, and makes the case for electing Republicans to the White House and Congress in 2020.

New Book

In his new book Dangerously Divided: How Race and Class Shape Winning and Losing in American Politics (Cambridge University Press, 2019), Zoltan Hajnal examines the political impact of the two most significant demographic trends of last fifty years. Examining federal and local elections over many decades, as well as policy, Hajnal, a professor of political science at UC-San Diego, finds that race more than class or any other demographic factor shapes not only how Americans vote but also who wins and who loses.