The Process of Legal Research by Christina L. KunzCall Number: KF240 .P76 2004
ISBN: 9780735536661
Publication Date: 2004-06-30
With a proven-effective process approach that has made this book a continual best seller, The Process of Legal Research, Sixth Edition, leads students to a deep and meaningful understanding of the "what," "why," "and "how" of conducting legal research. the text is skillfully structured to engage student interest: a thorough introduction To The process of Legal Research extensive illustrations and examples of research problems the authors emphasize best research practice coverage of electronic research is integrated into the text extensive, well-researched problem sets appear on perforated pages for easy use Changes For The Sixth Edition facilitate teaching and learning: text streamlined to offer enhanced graphics and less dense text a list of "not-to-do's" is based on a survey of writing professors and librarians, As well as practicing lawyers coverage of ALWD Citation Manual as well as the Bluebook more emphasis on the Internet An author website to support classroom instruction using this title is available at